Biding Time

Biding Time

By our nature (our new nature, that is), believers are citizens of a not-yet world. Our focus and our affections are set “on things above, not on things that are on earth” (Colossians 3:2 ESV). We live in one world while waiting for the new one to come. How then do we...
Biding Time


We like the idea of freedom, and we should. Freedom is a good thing. A truly wonderful thing. It is glorious to come out from under bondage, to be released from captivity, to enter a life that has no unjust restraints. In part of the letter he wrote to the believers...
Biding Time

Simple Obedience

In his book The Secret Place of Thunder, author John Starke observes: “Our culture teaches us that the most important things about us are what can be performed before others. Jesus, on the other hand, teaches us that the most important things about us are practiced in...