Free Downloads

Free downloads that are designed to help you deepen your walk with the Lord.

Praying for Peace:
A 30-Day Guide

America’s narrative has devolved into division, suspicion, and frustration. Who will shine the light, to lead the way forward? Let’s pray for the vision and humility we will need in the days ahead.

Freedom Through Forgiveness

This worksheet is a comprehensive walkthrough of biblical forgiveness principles, set forth in a way that, prayerfully, can lead believers to fully and finally forgive.

Biblical Virtues to Pray for Your Child

This bookmark is designed to guide you through prayers that focus on Biblical virtues for your child.

Complete Spiritual

To evaluate personal fitness, doctors often conduct a “complete physical” to test key areas of health and wellness. Life Action’s Complete Spiritual is designed to give your soul a thorough checkup – an evaluation of your relationship with God, character and priorities. Are you a healthy Christian?

First John Project

John wrote his first epistle to help people know for certain whether or not they are actually God’s children (1 John 5:13). Throughout the book, a series of evaluations and encouragements can help people identify their true spiritual condition. Utilize this worksheet as either a Bible study or prayer guide.

The Heart God Revives

The first step toward a refreshed relationship with God is humility. Once we see our great spiritual need, for His intervention in our lives and for revival in our hearts, we can begin the journey of renewal. This worksheet helps readers uncover heart attitudes of pride that may be preventing them from experiencing revival.


Use this resource to ask God to show you whether your heart attitude toward Him is one of repentance from sin and from dead works of the flesh that cannot please God.

How to Have a Holy Hour

Prayer is an essential element in a healthy Christian life. But many believers struggle to find a daily rhythm of prayer that keeps their mind engaged and their heart set on things above. This prayer guide explains twelve aspects of meaningful prayer that can be adapted for either personal or small group use. (To have a “holy hour,” simply spend five minutes on each of the twelve aspects.)

Sexual Purity

Few areas in our Christian pilgrimage require more care and attention than the matter of our sexual lives. This exercise is intended to provide practical instruction on how to walk in sexual purity and victory. We suggest our readers set aside a concentrated period of time to process and internalize these application questions and their corresponding Scripture references.

The Truth About Honesty

Scripture warns repeatedly of the danger of self-deceit. Have I become self-deceived in any of the following ways? How honest am I with God?

Clear Conscience

A clear conscience is the ability to say, “There is no one alive that I have ever wronged, offended, or hurt in any way that I have not gone back to and made it right with God and with them.”

The Ministry of the Holy Spirit

This resource explores who the Holy Spirit is, what it means to be filled with the Holy Spirit and other questions you might have.

Leadership Kit

Spark new ideas to enrich your leadership.

Creating Space for Transformation

Life Action’s Strategy Guide for Church Leaders