Strengthen Families, Restore Relationships, and Ignite Spiritual Renewal.

Revival Conferences Designed to Help Your Church Passionately Pursue Jesus

Life Action’s customized revival conferences provide church leaders and staff with an opportunity for spiritual renewal through engaging biblical teaching and worship alongside their congregation. Our team comes to your church to serve and lead your congregation for the week, under your authority, so your team can unplug and be spiritually fed. Tailored to meet each church’s unique needs, our conferences foster spiritual growth and togetherness within the church community. It’s not about creating an experience; it’s about creating the space for engagement.

We’ve served 3,000+ churches in 53 years, and we’d love to serve you!

What is a Life Action Revival Conference?

Our teams bring seasoned speakers to deliver Bible-centered preaching, quality worship from college-aged musicians, energetic children’s programs, and student ministries teachers. Throughout the conference, we’ll also provide spiritual health assessments for your congregation and opportunities for your staff leadership teams to focus on their vitality. We desire to help your church experience renewal and togetherness while moving toward mission with Jesus.

Practical Teaching | Full Worship Teams | Children’s Programming | Student Ministry

Revival Conference Options

Our flagship offering, Summits are built for deep, lifelong impact. They run 8-11 days and provide opportunities for individuals, families, and the congregation at large to encounter God’s truth in a concentrated, innovative way.

For churches seeking an impactful introduction to Life Action, THIRST is a powerful four-day conference
that invites people to recognize their personal need for God and experience the abundant life Jesus offers.

ReFuel conferences are customized four-day follow-up events designed to reinforce revival principles and help your congregation build on the momentum of previous Life Action experiences, ensuring growth and transformation.

Energize helps your church take the new life experienced in a Summit and put it into action. This 8-11 day event calls believers to actively engage in gospel-centered outreach and discipleship within their church and community.

 What Pastor’s Are Saying About Hosting a Life Action Revival Conference


Is your event for the entire church?

Our team is equipped to facilitate the whole event. Free your volunteers and leaders to fully participate and enjoy their moments of spiritual renewal. Our life-in-action teachings are designed to help everyone say yes to God, from young children to senior adults. Our team sets aside time to encourage your leaders, address specific needs among your church staff, and help them cultivate unity and vision.

How much does it cost to host a church event?

There is no charge to participants for the conference, just an opportunity to give a love offering as God leads. (We only ask the church to cover a scheduling fee and to provide team meals, host homes for our team members, and a few incidentals.)

Will my church really participate?

We’ve conducted thousands of conferences in many types of communities, and we can say this with confidence: If your church leadership team is excited, your church family will be as well. By starting the conference on Sunday morning, the whole church sees the value of participation. Typically, we see 60–80% of Sunday morning attendees returning for evening sessions.

Upcoming Revival Conferences

Life Action teams are excited to be serving and partnering with these churches.

JAN 19 - 22, 2025 Sherwood, Arkansas
JAN 19 - 22, 2025 Calhoun, Georgia
JAN 26 - 29, 2025 Granbury, Texas
JAN 26, 2025 - FEB 02, 2025 Gainesville, Florida
FEB 09 - 12, 2025 Smithville, Mississippi

Download the Information Packet

Interested in learning more or need to share this information with your team? Complete the form to download the information packet on hosting a Life Action revival conference at your church.