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Compassionate Men
I was a young man in my early thirties, married with four daughters under six years old, and working a full-commissioned sales job. While grateful for the work, it barely made ends meet. Someone I knew told me of a company in an emerging industry that was hiring...
The Necessity of a Clear Conscience
I want to finish well for Christ. I trust you do, too. In his letter to young Timothy urging long-term faithfulness to gospel living, Paul identified his clear conscience as the cornerstone to his fruitful endurance (2 Timothy 1:3). For you and me as men, the same is...
Game Changer
We didn’t live in Chick-fil-A country, so when the news broke that one was coming to our town, it was almost too good to be true. Even better, the restaurant would be only a short drive from our house. Soon after it opened, our daughter and son-in-law came to visit....
Humble Beginnings
Everyone loves a good origin story. For years, our favorite stories in oral, written, and now visual format have been full of the great, powerful, brave, and noble heroes whose humble beginnings make them relatable to the masses. Take, for example, a lowly shepherd...
A Moment Away
Sometimes, we find ourselves in a spiritual dry land. We know what we should do and who we should be, but those ideals and places seem distant. We go through the motions, only to find ourselves farther away from where we want to be and nowhere closer to God. We’ve...
From Friendship to Discipleship
Last month, I attended a men’s retreat in Orlando, and it was an amazing and rich experience. First off, I got my first private jet ride; we went from Winston-Salem, NC, to Orlando, FL, in record flying time! Second, we heard from former NFL quarterback Jeff Kemp, who...
A Kingdom Man?
Many things characterize a godly man. He is a man of integrity, honesty, kindness, courage, and faith, and he lives in many other honorable ways. Yet there is one quality, one identifier that covers all these and more: a godly man is a kingdom man.
Kingdom-First Living (Sixth Response)
“Seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well” (Matthew 6:33 NIV). That’s a big promise. If we live for Christ’s kingdom first, we will have everything else we need! Well, what is our King doing? What kingdom is He building? King Jesus told us His mission:
Believing God When It’s Hard
It is difficulty that pushes us to Christ, that causes us to believe, that makes us desperate to find the only One who can help us in our problems. Without such suffering, we would go on our way never thinking about God. Secure in our sinful depravity and self-reliance, we would assume that all is right with the world.
Eight Reasons to Abstain from Sexual Immorality (in Any Form)
It’s been a problem since the beginning of time. The rise of Internet availability has made it incredibly more accessible, but lust has always been one of Satan’s most powerful tools to mar the image of God in us. Paul was intense about this because he understood the nature of the human mind and the deadliness of this particular sin. He always tells us to abstain, flee, run, get away by any and every means. Why?