Forgiveness: the gift everyone wants to receive but finds hard to give. Pain is … well, painful; and there’s nothing inside of us that desires to forgive someone for hurting or costing us. But we do have very good reason to forgive, and strong motivation from Scripture to not withhold forgiveness from anyone who has wronged us.

This is Week 9 of a 12-week series entitled Seeking Him. Today Laine Johnson talks about how (and why) to set our captives free. We encourage you to purchase the Seeking Him workbook at the special listener rate of $10. [Enter the coupon code infuse.] You will get the most out of these podcast messages if you go through the workbook study each week after hearing the corresponding message.

Download this week’s worksheet.

Intro: Seeking Him Series Introduction
Week 1: Revival: Who Needs It?
Week 2: Humility: Coming to God on His Terms
Week 3: Honesty: Silence Is Not Always Golden
Week 4: Repentance: The Big Turnaround
Week 5: Grace: God’s Provision for Every Need
Week 6: Holiness: A Heart Like His
Week 7: Obedience: The Acid Test of Love
Week 8: Clear Conscience: Dealing with Offenses Toward Others

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