Judgment Day Is Coming

One word less popular than repentance in the modern church is the word judgment. Not judgment in the sense of people looking down on you for getting a tattoo or spanking your children. Not, “Stop judging me while I live like a pagan,” or,...
Phony Repentance

Phony Repentance

One of the major problems of the church today is phony repentance. Multitudes have walked down the aisle, mouthed the right words, and joined the church, only to become what is delicately called “inactive members.” All kinds of explanations have been offered for this...

A Radical Change of Heart

When Jesus calls us to repent, he is not calling us to beat up on ourselves or merely to clean up our lives. Instead, he is calling us to a radical change of heart. According to Scripture, our root problem is not an external, behavioral problem—it’s a problem of...