Video 6: Love
In order to revive and restart our churches, we must understand the lavish love of God. This lavish love is the only thing that will draw others to Christ. Others must see this love in the people of God! Paul describes the church in Thessalonica as being filled with this type of love, even though it was comprised of different races and cultures. Love flowing from Spirit-filled followers of Christ is the only thing that will destroy the racial divisions in our day. To see this type of love, we must make some radical decisions. Begin by listening to others and grieving with them as they share their stories of pain. Give grace to others by choosing to win people, not arguments. Serve each other tirelessly. What if every church in America made the decision to help rebuild communities that have been destroyed, or mentor children who have no father or mother? The love of Jesus lived out through us is a powerful weapon. His love will win every single time!
Study Guide
To enhance your study of 1 Thessalonians, we’ve developed an accompanying study guide both in a digital (PDF) and print format. Follow along with the in-depth, 56-page application guide and receive deep instruction, practical application, and prayer suggestions. Perfect for an individual study or for small groups/classes.

Study Guide
To enhance your study of 1 Thessalonians, we’ve developed an accompanying study guide both in a digital (PDF) and print format. Follow along with the in-depth, 56-page application guide and receive deep instruction, practical application, and prayer suggestions. Perfect for an individual study or for small groups/classes.