Video 5: Community
God’s only plan to bring the gospel to the world is the church. Our churches are meant to be unstoppable communities of love on mission for His kingdom. In the crisis of our day, our churches must be revived communities. What is a revived church characterized by? It will first be indispensable to the life of its members. It will be a place of community—a family that people are committed to, not a place we just show up to when it’s convenient. It will be a place to help you feed others, not just a place where you are fed. We are to be chefs and servers to those in our church family, not binge eaters ready to feast at a spiritual potluck. We are to be God’s Special Forces unit, ready to take the hill for the gospel. Finally, the revived church is to be known for and empowered by prayer. Without the power of prayer in our churches, we will be unable to accomplish the mission of advancing His kingdom. It is time to restart our churches, revived and ready to take the hill.
Study Guide
To enhance your study of 1 Thessalonians, we’ve developed an accompanying study guide both in a digital (PDF) and print format. Follow along with the in-depth, 56-page application guide and receive deep instruction, practical application, and prayer suggestions. Perfect for an individual study or for small groups/classes.

Study Guide
To enhance your study of 1 Thessalonians, we’ve developed an accompanying study guide both in a digital (PDF) and print format. Follow along with the in-depth, 56-page application guide and receive deep instruction, practical application, and prayer suggestions. Perfect for an individual study or for small groups/classes.