As I talk to pastors, especially in an election season like this, I often sense the deep frustration they feel in shepherding their people through a time like this.
People are very angry and opinionated these days. It’s hard to know how much or how little to say, and sometimes it’s hard to help people believe that the gospel is bigger and far more significant than who wins an election.
This picture is of the famous Roman Colosseum.
Several weeks ago, Donna and I led 48 friends of Life Action here as part of our journey in Paul’s footsteps.
In 107 AD, a man named Ignatius of Antioch was torn apart by wild animals in this place. We have the transcript of his trial recorded in history, which is astonishing. Listen to this dialogue between Ignatius and Emperor Trajan:
“Who are you, wicked wretch, who transgress our commands and persuade others to do the same so that they should miserably perish like you will?”
Ignatius replied, “No one ought to call a ‘God-bearer’ a wicked wretch! All the evil spirits and demons you worship have departed from us who are the servants of the one God.”
Ignatius then dragged his chains with him and moved into the face of the emperor and said: “But if because I am an enemy to these spirits you call me wicked, I quite agree with you. For because I have Christ the King of heaven within me, I destroy all the devices of these evil spirits.”
The emperor was furious. He said, “Jesus? Oh, yes, that Jesus. You mean the Jesus who was crucified under our Procurator Pontius Pilatus?”
Ignatius responded, “I mean the one who crucified sin along with its inventor, Emperor. And all the deceit and malice of the devil He has put under the feet of those who carry Him in their heart. That’s the Jesus I mean.”
It is tempting for Christians to put too much importance on what politicians have to say. The fact, is the politicians need what WE have to say more than we need what they have to say.
The entire Bible is full of stories of God’s people speaking prophetic truth to the powerful. And all of Christian history is the story of believers who had no political power, and yet through their courage, their sacrifice, their lives, and their deaths, they changed nations.
In these days of such political turmoil, when you feel anxiety creeping in, remember that ultimately you don’t have to worry about the power of politicians—because real power comes from the King.
Jesus came and said to them, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me” (Matthew 28:18 NIV).
Not to presidents or politicians, but to Jesus. And He lives in you! So walk in peace during these days.
And as you seek to shepherd your people to go with you after Jesus on the treacherous trail of such a contentious political season, consider sharing with them the example of Ignatius so long ago:
Pray for the powerful.
Speak truth to the powerful.
Never compromise the gospel for the powerful.
And most of all, go light up the dark! Live and die for Jesus. Never trade the power you have for the power of this world.
Very soon, the Lord will make all things right, all things just, and all things well. And because of that, in these days, it can be well with your soul.
Be encouraged today, pastors. Whoever is president today or next year, the King is still on His throne!