Stir Up
One Another
Helping Churches, Families, and Leaders Move
Toward Revival, Vitality, and Mission with Jesus
Case Support
Learn more about our Capital Campaign to Stir Up One Another by Helping Churches, Families, and Christian Leaders Move Toward Revival, Vitality, and Their Mission with Jesus.
Stir Up One Another
Campaign Goal: $22,000,000
Supplementary annual support to shore up and elevate existing ministry programs for the next five years.
Expansion into ministry for smaller churches, colleges, churches requiring customized programming, and online ministry.
Developing, caring for, and equipping ministry leaders through the new Global Leader Vitality Initiative.
Supplementary annual support to shore up and elevate existing ministry programs for the next five years.
Hebrews 10:24
And let us consider how to stir up one another to love and good works.