Children’s Ministry Audition

In order for us to better understand your abilities, we would like to see you interact with children. Please create a video of at least ten minutes of you teaching children. This does not have to be a staged event; we simply would like to see you in action. Please do not feel like you need to have a professional video made. It may be as simple as having children in your home and telling them a Bible story. Thank you for your interest in the Children’s Ministry.


Your audition video must include:

  • Your name and where you live
  • Your salvation testimony
  • Your burden for children’s ministry
  • A Bible lesson (at least 10 minutes long) with application to children (personally taught by you)
  • If possible, teach the lesson to children, but if necessary, it may be done directly to the camera. (This segment can be a Sunday School Class, AWANA, Vacation Bible School, or even a few children in your home.)