A Divine Encounter in Kansas

Our Blue Team, led by Steve and Debby Canfield, began their fall season in Kansas with a powerful four-day THIRST Conference. As church attendance declines across America (now averaging 65 people, down from 137 in 2000), the need for revival feels more urgent than ever. One way we’re committed to inspiring people to passionately pursue Jesus is by partnering with churches of all sizes across the country to help create a space where they can seek and respond to God together.

This past week, two sister churches, 30 miles apart, teamed up to co-host the conference at one location. It was a bold collaboration for two smaller congregations. Despite busy schedules, the pastor of the visiting church encouraged his members to make the drive and gather in person at the host church. To accommodate those unable to travel, this same pastor arranged a live broadcast back at his location, with one of the deacons staying behind in case anyone showed up to watch.

A few did, including a woman none of them recognized.

She wasn’t a member. She had never set foot inside a church before. She wasn’t even a Christian. Yet that morning, in a quiet sanctuary miles away from the live event, she watched the broadcast, and God stirred her heart. After hearing the message, she turned to the deacon and asked him how she could follow Jesus. Right there, he led her to Christ.

But that’s only half of the story.

Earlier that morning, this same young woman had stood at the railroad tracks, ready to end her life. But God had other plans. On their way to the livestream, a member saw her standing there, approached her with compassion, and gently urged her to reconsider.

In that brief but powerful moment, the church member invited her to come to church instead. Hesitant but moved, she agreed. That decision changed everything. Instead of following through with her plan, she walked into the church building that morning—and walked out as a new creation in Christ.

In her testimony this week, she shared that her life was saved twice that day: once at the tracks and again in that sanctuary.

Friends, this is why we do what we do.

This is why we keep showing up.

This is what God is doing.

We’re just honored to play a part in it.

At Life Action, we call people to a revived life so they can take kingdom action that glorifies Him. And as we “love one more” and stay faithful in the little things, we trust God to handle the rest.