As a leader, the greatest way to help others to a revived life is to live there yourself. This does not happen automatically.

In fact, the pull of the world, flesh, and devil is so strong that we can easily slide into sin and find ourselves in deep need of personal reviving.

Paul reminds us of our incredible blessings in Christ (Ephesians 1–3), and then calls us to walk worthy of that high calling (Ephesians 4–6). He sums this up in Ephesians 5:15-21 with some direct admonitions.

To walk with Christ in these areas is to walk in personal revival. And if you’re not there, you can’t lead others there.

Examine yourself prayerfully in light of these ten areas and thirty questions.


“Be careful how you walk, not as unwise men but as wise” (Ephesians 5:15 NASB).

  • Do I see life with clarity?
  • Do I see evil and avoid it?
  • Do I recognize where I’m really walking, or do I walk right into the wrong path?


“… making the most of your time, because the days are evil” (v. 16).

  • Do I seize the hours and minutes of every day for Christ?
  • Do I live in light of the brevity of life?
  • Am I being intentional about my time, or am I wasting my time thinking I have plenty?

3. Be WISE.

“Do not be foolish, but understand what the will of the Lord is” (v. 17).

  • Am I wise, or do I think foolishly?
  • Do I understand God’s overall will for my life? Do I know His purpose and plan for every man?
  • Am I in such a position that I am, more and more, discovering God’s specific will for my life and days? Am I walking in His prescribed will today? This week?

4. Be SOBER.

“Do not get drunk with wine, for that is dissipation” (v. 18).

  • Am I intoxicated with the things of this world?
  • Is there anything in this world that is controlling me?
  • Is that intoxication making me do things I otherwise would not do?


“Be filled with the Spirit” (v. 18).

  • Am I daily, hourly, consciously controlled by the Spirit?
  • If this aroma of Christ’s presence in me evident to others?
  • Am I doing things that grieve and/or quench the Spirit’s activity in and through my life?


“… speaking to one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs” (v. 19).

  • Is my life filled with the psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs of God? Do I know God’s Word?
  • Am I speaking to others about the truth of God?
  • Am I ashamed of the gospel? Hiding it under a bushel? Not boldly proclaiming it?


“… singing and making melody with your heart to the Lord” (v. 19).

  • Is the Lord’s song in my heart?
  • Do I sing, even in the midst of dark days?
  • Is my song directed to the Lord, in gratitude and thanksgiving?


“… always giving thanks for all things in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ to God, even the Father” (v. 20).

  • Do people say of my life that I am thankful? Marked by continual gratitude?
  • Do I give thanks for ALL things? Am I mature enough to give thanks in hard times, recognizing that God knows what He’s doing and that He is working all things together for our good?
  • Do I recognize that every good and perfect thing I have in my life comes from our Lord Jesus Christ and from the Father?


“Be subject to one another in the fear of Christ” (v. 21).

  • Is my life marked by the sweet aroma of authentic humility?
  • Am I gladly willing to defer to others, particularly in my home?
  • As a wife, am I submitting to my husband, gladly giving him authority and leadership? As a husband, am I submitting my authority to that of Christ, aggressively loving my wife as He loved the church and gave His life for her?


“Be subject to one another in the fear of Christ” (v. 21).

  • Am I walking in the fear of Christ? Do I treat Him and His commands and callings respectfully or flippantly?
  • Do I give Him constant, reverential fear?
  • Is it evident to all around me that whatever God says to me is what I will do, gladly recognizing His lordship in my life?

Walk back through this list and turn every question into a prayer for your life or the lives of those God brings to mind. Ruthlessly deal with anything that is aborting God’s presence and power in your life. And realize that, as a spiritual leader, everything depends on living in personal revival!

Father, thank You that You have designed a way for me to walk intimately with You. Search my heart, and show me anything that is hindering a life filled with You. Lead me in Your everlasting way.

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