How do we hear from God?

The heart that wants to hear from God, will. So, before searching for an answer to how, we need to be honest about whether we really want His answer. What do we intend to do about His will once it is known to us?

It begins with surrender.

We may think that if and when God reveals something to us, we will say yes; we will surely obey.

Perhaps we will, but pure surrender means saying yes to God before His will is known.

This is what Abraham did when he said, “God will provide for himself the lamb for a burnt offering, my son,” even as he was walking Isaac to the altar (Genesis 22:8 ESV).

It’s what Noah did when he started gathering lumber before he had ever seen rain.

It’s also what Esther did when she accepted the possibility of death before walking into King Ahasuerus’ presence.

And it was the first act of obedience for Saul immediately after his conversion. By walking into the city, he was giving God his pre-yes to whatever instructions he would be given there.

With these and others as our example, we know that if we really want to hear from God, we’ll say yes to Him first, and then listen for directions.

Does God have your pre-yes?

“Rise and enter the city, and you will be told what you are to do.”
(Acts 9:6)

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