As I welcome Christmas morning here on Rocky Top, a dense fog has settled on the lake and is completely hiding its existence.

It would be difficult at this moment for me to convince anyone that there is a beautiful lake behind my home. Yet I have seen the lake and experienced its beauty and wonder. I believe the lake is there, even though it can’t been seen this morning.

My prayer for you this Christmas morning is that you will believe God is with you. No matter what.

Dense fog may be enveloping your life right now, leaving you unable to see your way forward. Believe. It is the very reason we celebrate today: Christ is with you!

“The virgin will conceive and give birth to a son, and they will call him Immanuel” (which means “God with us”) (Matthew 1:23 NIV).

He is with you when you didn’t complete everything on your Christmas to-do list.

He is with you when the kids are out of control, whining, and even ungrateful for their presents.

He is with you when the new recipe you attempted flops.

He is with you when the car breaks down.

He is with you in all the inconveniences of life.

He is with you when the promotion/raise you hoped for fell through.

He is with you when your heart aches in loneliness because you will not be with those you love today.

He is with you when those you are with are difficult.

He is with you when the one you love betrays you.

He is with you as you continue to grieve those you have lost.

He is with you as your body aches and you long for healing.

He is with you as you beg God for your prodigal to return to Him.

He is with you when you reflect on this past year and it appears there were more trials than joys.

He is with you today, and He will be with you tomorrow!

There is no suffering too big or too small that He will not be with you in. There is no fog too dense that He will not see you through. He will hold you. He will comfort you. He will speak to you.

So whatever happens on this Christmas Day, take time to be with the very One who came to be with you! Believe.

He is Immanuel. Our Christmas gift.

Merry Christmas!

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