Our culture is saturated with sexual images and messages. Our sexual drive is a good and powerful part of us, but when we seek to fulfill our desires apart from the ways God has designed as best for us, we can destroy our own lives and the lives of others. The Bible’s instructions regarding sexual purity are far from boring or legalistic. Gaining moral purity and freedom can be a big step toward experiencing the joy of personal revival

This is Week 10 of a 12-week series entitled Seeking Him. Today Ryan Loveing talks about the joy of being sexually pure. We encourage you to purchase the Seeking Him workbook at the special listener rate of $10. [Enter the coupon code infuse.] You will get the most out of these podcast messages if you go through the workbook study each week after hearing the corresponding message.

Download this week’s worksheet.

Intro: Seeking Him Series Introduction
Week 1: Revival: Who Needs It?
Week 2: Humility: Coming to God on His Terms
Week 3: Honesty: Silence Is Not Always Golden
Week 4: Repentance: The Big Turnaround
Week 5: Grace: God’s Provision for Every Need
Week 6: Holiness: A Heart Like His
Week 7: Obedience: The Acid Test of Love
Week 8: Clear Conscience: Dealing with Offenses Toward Others
Week 9: Forgiveness: Setting Your Captives Free

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