How We Can Go from Sleep-Preventing Fear to Restful Faith in an Instant

I awoke in fear this morning. So much ahead, so much at stake at our church.

As a leader, if you are going to worry, the places where the greatest FAITH is needed are always the places where the greatest FEAR is a possibility.

And it was all over me this morning. I didn’t invite it in, I just woke up to fears swarming like a hornets’ nest in my mind.

I was also overwhelmed with thoughts of my weakness and inadequacy. I have places of great need and deficiency in my own life.

How can I lead others? How can I, personally, not just point the way, but lead the way?

I had planned to “sleep in” a little this morning (on my day off), but instead I was awakened early by that mind-that-won’t-turn-off-that-makes-sleep-elusive emotion. A thousand thoughts found no place of rest.

So I gave up and got up.

The Next Step

What to do? What can anyone do when they are overwhelmed by fear and a sense of paralyzing inadequacy?

I came to the Word—to the Lord through His Word. My reading today began in Isaiah 41:17, but I decided to back up and begin with a running start from verse one of the chapter.

And God spoke. Loudly, clearly, decisively, quickly. Ten verses in, God was waiting for me. He was up way before my fear. He knew, and always knows, exactly what was needed to bring me to faith and rest.

“Do not fear, for I am with you; do not anxiously look about you, for I am your God. I will strengthen you, surely I will help you, surely I will uphold you with My righteous right hand” (Isaiah 41:10 NASB).

Satan’s taunting accusations were instantly dispelled, like the sun lifting the morning fog. This simple, powerful promise was all that was needed this morning.

I have God’s presence, which is all I need. His presence brings strength, leadership, sufficiency, life.

Why fear, when God has promised me Himself? It was a direct, personal word to my soul.

The Power of God’s Word

This is the daily power of His living, active Word that speaks directly to my need and my heart, bringing me to faith. Nothing else can do this. No one else can do this. Every other attempt to overcome my fear is worthless.

Only God—speaking by His Spirit through His Word—can calm my fears and bring me back to faith. And He can always do this if I will simply come to Him.

Hallelujah, dear Lord, for Your words to me this morning … and so many mornings. I’m humbled and grateful for Your personal promises to my needy soul!

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