“You are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for his own possession, that you may proclaim the excellencies of him who called you out of darkness into his marvelous light” (1 Peter 2:9 ESV).
“Honor everyone. Love the brotherhood. Fear God. Honor the emperor” (1 Peter 2:17).
If that is all the church had as a guide to change America, how would we do it?
It’s election season again. Now, I’ll just tell you that I am an unapologetic conservative.
It terrifies me to hear so many who claim to follow Christ seem more excited about electing a president than evangelizing for a King!
When I’m in different churches, which I am most weeks, I listen to people talk before and after services. If I simply went by what I hear, I would believe that the most important thing to us is an election, not a resurrection!
The two verses above are what the early church did that ultimately won the Roman Empire. They had no political power. But they actually believed the gospel.
Do we?
The early church knew their powerful identity in Christ, boldly shared the gospel, loved each other, radically loved their neighbors, honored those in government (even when they were evil), and spent little to no time trying to change the seats of power. Because they knew they had the real power!
We will be tempted this year to be angry, anxious, and frantic if we try to “save America.” Put that burden down.
Saving America is God’s job. Or judging America, if He chooses. We don’t have to live with that stress. Instead, we can concentrate on praying for our leaders, loving our neighbors, and telling them why we are not afraid!
And while we do this, we have a better chance to actually save America than all those scurrying around to elect someone. Because elections don’t revive churches. And they don’t save nations. God does. Prayer does. Revival does.
I’ll be in a voting booth this year. And when I’m not, I’ll be pursuing the good news-bearing Friend of sinners, victorious King Jesus. Join me!
Let’s not give in to the pressure to join the flood of political panic. God is sovereign. Revival is our hope. And that has been and is our belief and passion at Life Action. Let that be a load off your shoulders and an encouragement for this week and the year ahead.