Life Action Canada
Helping churches, families, and leaders move towards revival, vitality, and mission.
What We Do
Through teaching, church events, leadership coaching, relational intelligence training, and online resources, Life Action Canada is helping individuals experience revival, ongoing vitality, and to life on mission with Jesus.
Donate to Life Action Canada
Your support will help individuals, families, and churches in Canada experience revival, vitality, and mission.
All donations received will be used to support the charitable activities of Life Action Canada. Where gifts are designated by the donor toward a preferred program, these preferred designations will be accommodated as much as possible within the current ministry plan of the charity. However, Life Action retains the ultimate authority to determine how gifts are used. In the event a gift is not used for the preferred designation, the donation will not be returned to the donor (as stipulated by Canadian law).
Donate Online:
Mail Your Donation:
Life Action Canada
PO Box 24014
RPO West Highland
Kitchener, ON N2M 5P1
Contact Life Action Canada
PO Box 24014
RPO West Highland
Kitchener, ON N2M 5P1
Phone: 519-885-4614