Are you a control freak?
Do you struggle with insecurity?
Take a moment to think about the past few days or weeks.
Now look down at your hands. In what position do you find them? Are they open with palms up, ready to share and receive, or do you have closed, grasping fists?
Maybe it’s our broken human nature, or maybe it is Satan’s lie, but we often live like there isn’t enough. We are afraid of scarcity or of losing what we have. So what do we do?
We hold on tightly!
Maybe it’s in your relationships. Are you clinging to your friend circle, unwilling to include and welcome others?
Maybe it’s your dreams or expectations. Do you have to have control?
Could it relate to opportunities? Do you feel the need to push yourself to the front of the line to be recognized?
What about your time? Are you stretched too thin, with too much to do?
Consider your finances. Are you afraid to share or be generous because there just isn’t enough to go around?
What does holding tightly really do for us? Sadly, it accomplishes the opposite of its intention. It doesn’t bring us joy or security or success. Rather, it brings us anxiety and fear.
God is able to bless you abundantly, so that in all things at all times, having all that you need, you will abound in every good work (2 Corinthians 9:8 NIV).
Think of that situation that has you holding on with white knuckles. When you are tempted to respond with greed, jealousy, or control, remember that God is loving and wise. We can trust Him to do what is good and right. We don’t have to rely on our own understanding. He knows what we really need and is faithful to provide it. All we have to do is open our hands and trust Him. There is enough
Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight (Proverbs 3:5-6).
The LORD is my Shepherd, I lack nothing (Psalm 23:1).
Be encouraged: There is enough love to welcome and include others in our relationships.
Be encouraged: There is enough time and money to be generous.
Be encouraged: There are enough opportunities and positions to meaningfully contribute to kingdom work.
Look at your hands again. Slowly open them, palms up.
Remember that we don’t live in scarcity, but in abundance.
Be ready to receive. There is enough.
God is enough.
Living in Revival, Vitality, and Mission
- Practice the above exercise several days in a row. What do you see God doing in your life?
- Take a few moments to speak out loud, “God, You are enough!”
Ask the Lord to reveal to you someone you can encourage today by sharing Psalm 23:1 with them.