A Matter of the Heart

A Matter of the Heart

When Solomon was old, his wives turned his heart away after other gods; and his heart was not wholly devoted to the LORD his God, as the heart of David his father had been (1 Kings 11:4 NASB). He was the wisest man in the world, made so by God. How could this happen?...

The Blessing of Forgiving

Tom Harmon is a former Michigan state trooper turned itinerant preacher. Last week he talked to us about the blessing of being forgiven by God. Today he follows up by sharing about our responsibility to forgive each other. Prepare to be challenged and encouraged as he...

The Blessing of Forgiveness

Tom Harmon is a former Michigan state trooper turned itinerant preacher. He loves God and His Word, and he loves sharing the truth with people. Today he talks about the blessing and joy of being forgiven by God. Week One Week Two Week Three...