by Life Action | Nov 25, 2015 | Life Action Podcast
This week we have the privilege of hearing from one of our own staff members. Hugh Duncan was very busy, and he found that his attitude about his schedule was making bad matters worse. Listen today as he shares his journey about how choosing to develop a habit of...
by Aaron Paulus | Nov 19, 2015 | Life Action Podcast
When is the first time you remember seeing God move? When is the last time? When will be the next time? Leonard Ravenhill said that when it comes to sending revival, God doesn’t answer prayer; He answers desperate prayer.
by Aaron Paulus | Nov 19, 2015 | Life Action Podcast
Pastor Marcus Hayes shares from Psalm 128, leaving us gems like these: God can take your mess and make it a message. Your past may explain you, but it doesn’t define you. We’re called to Jesus first and then to ministry. If we live a legacy, we will leave a legacy....
by Aaron Paulus | Nov 19, 2015 | Life Action Podcast
Dr. Alvin Reid shares from the book of Acts and from his life about what a gospel-centered life looks like: bold, humble, and close to Jesus.
by Bill Elliff | Nov 13, 2015 | Church Leadership, Revival
Every pastor wants to see spiritual movement among his people. And we all long for an outpouring of genuine revival. One of the primary means of grace God has given to see His people revived is the anointed exposition of His Word through our preaching. We cannot...